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Super Tack Pro Indoor and Outdoor Basketball - Size 5, 27.5"

Super Tack Pro Indoor and Outdoor Basketball - Size 5, 27.5"

Regular price $31.15
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Show off your handles with the Spalding super tack pro basketball. As the name suggests, this basketball's tack provides an adhesive grip that is soft in your hands. The easy-grip surface gives you better control and the tacky feel helps you pass, catch, and shoot with finesse. This versatile ball is made of a performance composite leather cover finished with foil-accented logos and is just at home on concrete as it is on the hardwood. It ships inflated and game-ready out of the box, so you can start hooping in no time.

  • Youth size and weight: Size 5, 27.5"
  • Performance composite cover
  • Designed for indoor and outdoor play